Liberty Medical Communications
The Great Resignation
The Great Resignation? In the United States, as of Labor Day 2021, unemployment benefits have expired, and many unemployed individuals will not return to the workforce. Surveys are suggesting that they plan on turning to freelance work instead. While it is unclear if...
The Emergence of the Freelance Economy
The Emergence of the Freelance Economy: The Internet and Remote Work are Changing Things For Working Parents. In the past, it was difficult for working parents to balance their work and family lives. If they wanted a job with flexible hours, they often had to...
Why a Scientist Needs to Use Social Media To Promote Their Ideas And Work: Accessibility, Accelerated Discovery
Should a scientist be on social media? It might seem like an absurd question, but the answer is yes. Why would we need to promote our ideas and work if it's already out there in the public domain for anyone to see? There are two reasons why scientists should use...
4 Strategies to Build a Good Relationship with Your Thesis Advisor
Thesis advisors are the most critical people in a Ph.D. candidate's life. As such, it is essential to have a good relationship with them to finish your work and defend your thesis as soon as possible. However, this is not always easy to do if there have been past...
The Value of an Excellent Scientific English Editor
The other day I received an email from Dr. Dewitt Smith, Jr., who described himself as the chief scientific editor of Springer (or, as the email put it, "Springer [sic] Chief Scientific Editor"). It was a slightly scary email because he explained that all of my...
Academia vs. Industry
A discussion about choosing a career in academia versus industry: Academia may be intellectually rewarding, but industry pays much better. Academia protects your sense of scientific integrity, while industry protects your family's future. You are facing the decision...
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